Monday, May 12, 2014

WHY Emancipate In Your Chair was Written?

Writing Emancipate In Your Chair was a pleasure, because I knew it was an intelligent way to get therapy in the homes of people. I would try different, nontraditional mental health approaches on MySpace* before writing this amazing book and received great responses from my loyal readers. To be honest this book was birth based on how people I did not know, but grew to love responded to my therapeutic MySpace posts. I was aware of many people refusing to speak with a trained counselor about their problems, life goals, relationships, parenting issues, or decisions so I took a risk by presenting a user-friendly approach.

I've been trying to kill the stigma towards mental health therapy for years by using social media, music, trainings/presentations - example of 1 and my book Emancipate In Your Chair. It is so awesome to see how many perceptions towards mental health therapy has changed the past 10 years, but we have a long way to go.  However, I'm thrilled to say I'm the first licensed professional counselor to write a book like Emancipate In Your Chair and create music that help change the mindset of people.

I must say writing the book was the easy part, compared to marketing the book.  I knew I needed help so I traveled to Settle, Washington and attended a workshop for new authors. I met a lot of wonderful people and collected great information. I sold over 30 books at my 1st book signing. I was so excited, because that was my first attempt. I took 50% of the money I made from that book signing, and used it to send books to people that were incarcerated. I will never forget the email I received from one of the persons in jail of how the book was helping him. His response encouraged me to tell therapists about Emancipate in Your Chair. Mrs. Angela (R.I.P), one of those therapists used it with several of her clients and wrote a review (you will find it in the review section).

I look forward in Emancipating in our Chair together here on this blog. So go ahead and buy your copy so we can discuss or help you process your thoughts after reading and completing interventions out the book. All Smiles and know we are in this together!

*Nancia Leath is no longer or post on MySpace.

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