Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Are You Doing It Your Way?

I woke up around 2 am this morning and I was prompted to read my Bible - John 11. The story is talking about the Death of Lazarus, but what stood out to me was Martha's (Lazarus' sister) response to Jesus after her brother Lazarus was dead for four days - verse 22 and Jesus' response v 25. She told Jesus if you was here my brother would not have died, but I know that EVEN NOW GOD WILL give you whatever you ask. Martha understood the relationship Jesus had with God and the power of God! However, Jesus had to inform her He was the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die (your dream of having a spouse by a certain age, children, career, or wealth may have died or not come forth).  Martha felt Jesus could have done what she desired differently. She wanted Jesus to come when Lazarus was sick or come before he died and healed him. Nevertheless, Jesus knew he needed to allow what she loved so dearly to die in order for God's glory so that He (God's Son) may be glorified. She did not know of the big picture or aware of how this demonstration helped many believe in the power of God through his son Jesus Christ.

There are things many of you have STOPPED believing God to do because He has not done it in ways you thought he should have done it. Some of you wanted to become a parent, but God knew you would do better with teaching MANY children, allowed you to birth children in your 40s or 50s, mentor youth, buy schools or youth centers, or gave you godchildren. At the end of the day you are still giving, investing, and helping develop children. Some of you are depressed, can't see how your desire are happening, or live in doubt because you are still waiting on this and that, but have not told God, "I want you to be glorified in my life, please do it your way, and I believe you are the resurrection for EVERYTHING in my life."  Having this state of mind changes your perceptions towards life and increases your hope or FAITH. Plus it allows you to live out the laws in order to be blessed. You find yourself freely celebrating with others when they do, gain, or become what you desire. You will have peace knowing what you want will take place in how God desire it to happen. Worrying about your life will never be a factor. We tend to focus or become stress of how it should be done and not being thankful or mediating on God's way or what He is already doing in our lives. We try to make it happen and find ourselves causing more issues or live a life of defeat. The goal is to have the same attitude as Martha towards life situations we can't control "but I know that EVEN NOW GOD WILL give you whatever you ask." Jesus asked Martha in v26 after informing her who he was "Do you believe this?"
Nancia Leath Emancipate In Your Chair

This note is to encourage you to believe and only desire God to do what you want HIS way. It will happen if you don't STOP believing, but most of the time it's usually in ways you least expect. I'm not sure if you are aware of Mrs. Tamar's  story, but she is a great example of Martha. She was aware that God could do it, but based on her story it was not done like she thought he would do it. At the end of the day she thank God for all he has done. Please listen to her song Thank You Lord....You just Emancipated in Your Chair with Nancia...

Photo by FreddyO

P.S. I enjoyed this time with you let's do this again next Tuesday, hopefully you bought your book Emancipate In Your Chair, it will improve your life. Nancia Leath

Monday, May 12, 2014

WHY Emancipate In Your Chair was Written?

Writing Emancipate In Your Chair was a pleasure, because I knew it was an intelligent way to get therapy in the homes of people. I would try different, nontraditional mental health approaches on MySpace* before writing this amazing book and received great responses from my loyal readers. To be honest this book was birth based on how people I did not know, but grew to love responded to my therapeutic MySpace posts. I was aware of many people refusing to speak with a trained counselor about their problems, life goals, relationships, parenting issues, or decisions so I took a risk by presenting a user-friendly approach.

I've been trying to kill the stigma towards mental health therapy for years by using social media, music, trainings/presentations - example of 1 and my book Emancipate In Your Chair. It is so awesome to see how many perceptions towards mental health therapy has changed the past 10 years, but we have a long way to go.  However, I'm thrilled to say I'm the first licensed professional counselor to write a book like Emancipate In Your Chair and create music that help change the mindset of people.

I must say writing the book was the easy part, compared to marketing the book.  I knew I needed help so I traveled to Settle, Washington and attended a workshop for new authors. I met a lot of wonderful people and collected great information. I sold over 30 books at my 1st book signing. I was so excited, because that was my first attempt. I took 50% of the money I made from that book signing, and used it to send books to people that were incarcerated. I will never forget the email I received from one of the persons in jail of how the book was helping him. His response encouraged me to tell therapists about Emancipate in Your Chair. Mrs. Angela (R.I.P), one of those therapists used it with several of her clients and wrote a review (you will find it in the review section).

I look forward in Emancipating in our Chair together here on this blog. So go ahead and buy your copy so we can discuss or help you process your thoughts after reading and completing interventions out the book. All Smiles and know we are in this together!

*Nancia Leath is no longer or post on MySpace.